Sunday 3 October 2021

5 Hyperspace Intrusions

When your a guardsman on your way to defend a planet, but the gellar field  fails - 9GAG

Dandyman wrote up a big list of reasons your ship is crawling with monsters when your gellar field  Caldwell Manifold hyperspace condom fails, so I did some rolling.

The following are cuttings from the banned text 'Field Guide to Caldwell Failures.' The book contained catalouged information on Hyperspace Intrusion Events, compiled from survivors stories, folklore, remains of events themselves and information stolen from top-level corporate sources. Author is unknown.

Trigger: Dirty vents and filters
Recorded Evidence:
  •  Low-quality footage from a handheld device. 
    • No sound. Depicts white hazard suits erupting from vents in a ships corridor. Suits are misshapen and lumpy, seals leak a brownish-red fluid. Chests are emblazoned with unknown symbol and blurred text. Footage lasts for 25 secounds before cutting.
  •  Audio sample, found in background noise of a cleaning supplies advert.
    • [Voice 1] (unintelligable)zipped him, they just unzipped him and scrubbed and scrubbed and scrub-
    • [Voice 2] Shhhhut up shut the fuck up stay quie-
Gunner Jenny
Trigger: Corpses
Recorded Evidence:
  • Childrens rhyme, recorded in Low Stacks, Bardistown Hive
    • Sergent Jenny, out in the black//Corpo stabbed them in the back//Bodys dust but Jennys not dead//Now her soul is fire and lead//So if your stiffs arnt passed along//Gunner Jennys not yet gone
  •  Mural daubed on hull of wrecked vessel. Depicts hunched corpse, head and hands replaced with many overlapping firearms. Skull hovers above, halo of red hair.
  • Collected shell casings, recovered from derelict vessel. Number in excess of 25,000,  each etched with text from standard NDA forms used by most mercenary corporations.

Trigger: Accessing networks mid-jump
Recorded Evidence:
  •  Footage from a security camera, dining hall of a luxury cruiser.
    • Swarms of insects pour from wall console. Several passengers appear to be partly-consumed, with insects regurgitating consumed flesh into center of room to form a pentagonal hive structure.
  • 7-legged insect-like creature. Thorax pattern resembles human face. Dissection  revealed no internal organs, instead tangled masses of wire and human hair.

The Cables
Trigger: Android without voided warranty
Recorded Evidence:
  •  First-hand survivors account:
    • "First thing we knew was wrong was the android. Molly was workin the console when she just stopped and turned to face the wall. There was this scratching, scraping sound. Like rats. Then this...thing came right through the hull. Some kind of cable. Stabbed her straight in the head, started jerking her around like a puppet. 
She wouldnt stop laughing. 
  • Remains of a Supermashi/Kane General Purpose Series 3 android. Head casing pierced by length of black cable-like structure that has melded with the logic core. Core itself constantly weeps unknown fluid and has gained a sponge-like texture. Limbs missing, damage to sockets consistent with models own teeth.

Argument Tiger
Trigger: Grudges
Recorded Evidence:
  •  Video captured by SBD bodycam.
    • Two marines, A and B, argue in what appears to be a troopship training area. Three minutes in, a creature resembling an adult male bengal tiger emerges from marine A's mouth and proceeds to maul and partly consume marine B. Marine A collapses,vomiting orange fur.

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